Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Are you living the extraordinary?

"You can't do this", "Nothing that good could happen to you anyway" .... These were the thoughts that crept into my mind whenever i thought about my life being more extraordinary than it was. I battled the anxiety of wanting my life to be MORE but feeling like i was incapable of achieving my goals to get where i wanted. 

I joined Beach body and really started LISTENING to the personal development and applying it to my life. Those voices didn't disappear right off the hop... but they started to get quieter. I was able to think past that voice telling me i Couldn't do it... and step outside of my comfort zone and make it happen. I failed a lot! And have made a million mistakes ... but the greatest part of becoming a coach was taking back my empowerment! My choice to make my life better for myself and my family.

I am surrounded by inpirational LEADERS and became a person who once WISHED she could be just like them ... and started to realize that i WAS ONE! My confidence came back ten fold. Learning about how to treat my body right with Clean eating choices , exercise everyday and a support system that was always there for me when i needed it really helped me in conquering the fear i kept myself bubbled up in. 

I am now living each day to the FULLEST and am more present in my life! My family has noticed a huge change in my mood and my relationships have begun to blossom. Just by making the choice to take back my own life i have had many people tell me that they have been inspired by ME! I never would of thought that i could be the motivation that gave people the push that they needed to become empowered as well! 

a week into my business adventure i was able to make it emerald which to me meant that my journey was spreading into other peoples lives. I was beyond thrilled to be apart of THEIR journey and help them feel the excitement i had been feeling! I was able to pay my insurance and buy some extra groceries which made my accomplishment that much greater! I was able to PROVIDE for my family. 

I am Healthy, Happy, Living a life of fulfillment and feeling empowered every step of the way! 

If you feel like you are ready to steer your life towards the EXTRAORDINARY! Feel free to email me Or add me as a friend on fb. Links are located on the right hand side of this blog :)

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